Tester's deck: SubTerror
Testee's deck: Cyber Dragon Infinity.
Deck Creativity: 0/20
One of the most over played decks in this meta.
Deck Size 10/10
(40-42 is 10/10 every card over that takes away 1 point.) (Minimum is 0) (No Negatives)
Attitude 5/5
Concentration 8/10
(Does the Testee take awhile to make a move? Do they go AFK mid test?)
lost focus on his own effects
Overall Deck Capability: 7/10
(This is how the tester perceives the testee's deck and feels it can be used in other situations.)Any Anti Special summoning effects and he is easily finished.
Rulings 25/30
(-5 for every ruling mistake)
Used the effect of 2 Chronomoly Crystal Jets seperatly while one was on the field for both effects and still tried to use the level 6 one to XYZ summon a Rank 5.
Counters 15/15
(This is graded according to the testee's ability to get Around the testers cards.)
Control Of The Duel 20/20
Not hard to have control when you rely on taking the opponents monsters for it.
Duel Outcome 20/20
(10 for 1 win 20 for 2 consecutive, 15 for 2 wins and 1 for tester, 0 for none.)
Total Score 110/140
Welcome to Stardust Blue.
0-86 Black Rose Purple
87-119 Stardust Blue
120-140 Archfiend Red