Banned Decks: Meta, Burn, Stall, Exodia, Mill, Intentional FTK/OTK ( OTK is allowed if its not what the deck was made to do and you just managed to get it) and OCG Decks. (OCG Cards are allowed, but not a deck based on OCG)
Tester's deck: your deck
Testee's deck: your opponent's deck
Deck Creativity: 0/20
Deck Size 0/10
(40-42 is 10/10 every card over that takes away 1 point.) (Minimum is 0) (No Negatives)
Attitude 0/5
Concentration 0/10
(Does the Testee take awhile to make a move? Do they go AFK mid test?)
Overall Deck Capability: 0/10
(This is how the tester perceives the testee's deck and feels it can be used in other situations.)
Rulings 0/30
(-5 for every ruling mistake)
Counters 0/15
(This is graded according to the testee's ability to get Around the testers cards.)
Control Of The Duel 0/20
Duel Outcome 0/20
(10 for 1 win 20 for 2 consecutive, 15 for 2 wins and 1 for tester, 0 for none.)
Total Score 0/140
0-86 Black Rose Purple
87-119 Stardust Blue
120-140 Archfiend Red
Dorm test duels are done in Advanced Unrated.
If the Tester or Testee Disconnects that goes for 1 round victory point for the person who does not. Rehost the duel and finish the match if this happens on Duel 1 or 2 and there hasn't been a 2 out of 3 win yet.
If the testee disconnects the Tester can choose to screenshot the field and graves and both players reset the field to how it was before the disconnect.
This is going on an honor code though. Because the tester will not know the testees hand, so the testee must put their hand back to the way it was. If they are caught cheating with this it is an automatic loss for them and automatic Rose Purple dorm.