Tester's deck: SubTerror
Testee's deck: Yang Zings
Deck Creativity: 5/20
Pure Yang Zings is one of the most un-creative and annoying decks ever.
Deck Size 10/10
(40-42 is 10/10 every card over that takes away 1 point.) (Minimum is 0) (No Negatives)
Attitude 5/5
Concentration 10/10
(Does the Testee take awhile to make a move? Do they go AFK mid test?)
Overall Deck Capability: 6/10
(This is how the tester perceives the testee's deck and feels it can be used in other situations.)
Anything that negates the special summons or anything that doesn't destroy but either returns to hand or banishes screws the deck
Rulings 30/30
(-5 for every ruling mistake)
Counters 15/15
(This is graded according to the testee's ability to get Around the testers cards.)
Lucky as hell i bricked completely on the second duel. 11 cards in a row and none that i could use.
Control Of The Duel 20/20
Duel Outcome 20/20
(10 for 1 win 20 for 2 consecutive, 15 for 2 wins and 1 for tester, 0 for none.)
Total Score 121/140
Congrats on Archfiend Red
0-86 Black Rose Purple
87-119 Stardust White
120-140 Archfiend Red