Testee's deck: Ancient Gear/Dragonic Hybrid.
Deck Creativity: 18/20
Never seen those 2 in the same deck before. Impressive.
Deck Size 10/10
(40-42 is 10/10 every card over that takes away 1 point.) (Minimum is 0) (No Negatives)
Attitude 5/5
They had alot of fun with it it was great to watch.
Concentration 9/10
(Does the Testee take awhile to make a move? Do they go AFK mid test?)
Missed up on an effect ruling of his own trap card.
Overall Deck Capability: 9/10
(This is how the tester perceives the testee's deck and feels it can be used in other situations.)
Its a strong powerhouse deck but it doesnt have alot of protection to effects.
Rulings 25/30
(-5 for every ruling mistake)
Tried to use his trap while he controlled a monster while trap says "must control no monsters"
Counters 10/15
(This is graded according to the testee's ability to get Around the testers cards.)
Not alot of Backrow protection. This specific duel he didnt need it too much but in other duels he may not be so lucky.
Control Of The Duel 15/20
It was back and forth but overall came out on top.
Duel Outcome 15/20
(10 for 1 win 20 for 2 consecutive, 15 for 2 wins and 1 for tester, 0 for none.)
Total Score 116/140
Welcome to Stardust Blue
0-86 Black Rose Purple
87-119 Stardust Blue
120-140 Archfiend Red