Testers Deck Traptrixsupervise
testies Deck TrueDinos
Duel outcome 15/20
lost game 2 won 1 and 3.
control of the duel 20/20
reather then controling the duel outbeat by pure raw power.
counters 8/15
Could not answer My iron wall in game 2 which cost his a single.
concretion 10/10
paid in full attention to his combos and how to do them. No AFK.
a person willing to learn with a high ceiling and polite as well.
Deck size 10/10
15 extra, 15 side board 40 main deck
Deck creativity 0/20
The Deck has been used In regional got 3rd place.
Total- 108/140
0-70 Black Rose Purple
71-115 Stardust White
116-140 Archfiend Red
welcome to Stardust White!
Note pad, note during test.
duel outcome /20 15
control of the duel /20 20
counters /15 8
rulings /30 30
concentrion /10 10
attutude /5 5
deck size /10 10
deck creativeity /20 0
108 /140 total